Apache expiration directives by IP address

edited May 2008 in advice
In general I have far-future expiry on all files coming out of an apache web server. This is fine for delivery but a PITA when debugging.

What can I apply to set a ExpiresDefault now to just my visiting IP address (or a list of IP addresses while I am at it)



  • edited 2:23PM
    anyone else configuring apache servers?
  • edited 2:23PM
    urbansurgeon said...anyone else configuring apache servers?
    Yes, but not to that level! :)

    Could you use multi-homing to have an IP for testing and one for live sites and then set an 'Expires' value for that specific IP?

    (looked in my Apache Pocket Reference and it wasn't much help!)
  • edited 2:23PM
    nah doesn't hit the spot
  • edited 2:23PM
    Bummer, sorry I can't be of more help... what are you trying to debug that the cache keeps screwing?
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