collaboration: fazylucker calendar

edited November 2007 in creations
thanks go to mick for this one, she's been pestering for a while now :D

i hope that you lot remember the baseboard calendars we did in the past - they ended up totally excellent in many ways (apart from meeting deadlines hehe)!!

the basic idea for this is that each of us (if you want to, of course) creates a design for a single calendar month. the format will be the same as everyone else, let's say 200dpi tiff files, a4 for now, but we can change this if needs be. the months will then be hosted for anyone to download and print out, and hang on their walls etc.

mick suggested we host a template for you guys to just drop images into, something with the month's dates and days already done, but i think it would be better to let you all stick the dates in yourselves, to integrate with the design more betterer.

the design doesn't need to completely fill an a4, but remember that most people will be printing on an a4 printer. there's scope here to make use of large amounts (relatively) of white space in your design, could be cool.
1. pick a month
2. create a 200dpi, a4 document
3. design / photograph / sew / paint / vomit artistically onto the document, and don't forget to add the days and dates so that it can function as a calendar
4. save as a tiff / eps
5. host the file and a web thumbnail (or ask me if you need to)
6. everyone has loads of stuff to choose from!
right, any suggestions / questions / ridicule so far?

mick, is this right? :)


  • edited 10:57AM
    ha! not a bit!!

    :) but it's yours now, boyo.

    my suggestion was that we make pics with the calendar template on them .. blank. and let people put in their own month and days. that way, any pic could be used for any month.

    now what am i going to do with those 2 examples i sent you, i ask?!? heeee! and i learned to make a calendar template for nothing??

    *one sob for max drama*

    it's going to be fine.. you know much better than i what will work.

    it only took 3 months from suggestion to sticky. ;) not bad, flazy boi.

  • edited 10:57AM
    ok, we can do the template thing too, so people have a choice.

    (i even posted this from work, not the house - and i set up the imac at home now too (eventually))
  • edited 10:57AM
    I'm in!
    I'd like October...

    I like the template and the no template ideas....
    though it shouldn't be too hard to do both should it?
    I mean aren't we all savvy enough that we can make a design
    that would cover both?!?!?!
    hip hip hooray!!!!!
  • edited 10:57AM
    well, you wouldn't need to do both. the templates would just be there for people to drop a photograph into, and not have to worry about the dates, or anything.

    also, you can do any months you like, the more, the merrier, aight?! :D
  • edited 10:57AM
  • edited 10:57AM
    i was fooling with the "blank calendar" idea when i first asked chris about this.

    here's a small shot of the first example i sent him.. low rez and sloppy.. and admittedly not for everyone. :D


    chris was ho-hum about it. i wonder why *cough* hehe

    so i went farther and learned to make a real calendar template:

    (Illu template)

    and made this as an example. (thumb links to a jpeg.. these are examples)


    below is a link is the calendar layout tiff in A4 size. I included a PS "style" that covers the blending options i used on the "display" font (Adobe Garamond Pro, which is NOT used on the actual calendar layout, but is in the demo jpg)

    that was what i'd thought up. :) the graf pros and talented people can take it from here. my work (as a chris-prod) is done.

    i look forward to a year of kewl calendars.

  • edited 10:57AM
    1. pick a month
    2. create a 200dpi, a4 document
    3. design / photograph / sew / paint / vomit artistically onto the document, and don't forget to add the days and dates so that it can function as a calendar
    4. save as a tiff / eps
    5. host the file and a web thumbnail (or ask me if you need to)
    6. everyone has loads of stuff to choose from!
    1. February
    2. A4
    3. I managed, but without the 'artistically' requirement.
    4. PDF?
    5. sock, please help!
  • edited 10:57AM
    bloody hell, already? :D

    that's a good point - pdf is good too, something easy for others to download and print, etc.
  • edited 10:57AM
    1. July
    2. Ok, if it has to be ;)
    3. ~has a salad, in preparation~
    4. let me know; there's plenty of time
    5. I'll bother you later
  • edited 10:57AM
    If there's months to be created still, I am in.
  • edited 10:57AM
    chris:bloody hell, already? :D
    Never mind, it's totally crap anyway!

    ~retreats to background, watching the true artists with continued awe
  • edited 10:57AM
    no, inpeace, your is gettin' hosted. there's no worries about doublers for months - these are all going to be separate anyway - plenty of choice (and you can do as many months or even as many of the same month as you wish :)
  • edited 10:57AM
    yes please, IP. just do it. :)

  • edited 10:57AM
    Eery - reminds me of my first job out of school - I'm gonna pass, but only because I know I'll end up in the fetal position if I try to contribute...

    Too many terrible memories from those years (but baseboard kept me sane..heheookOOk)
  • edited 10:57AM
    ok, mds sounds like the ideal candidate for the template version ;)

    all you'll need to do is download the template and stick an image behind the dates, then host the resulting file somewhere. i'm sure that you have spare images lying around. just take a photo of some illustrations which 'never made it' and whack it on - job's a good 'un!
  • edited November 2007

    ~sucks thumb under desk, next to G5~
  • edited 10:57AM
    ~tosses ookyman a banana~

    hey, if i can make a page, so can you. i ate salad fer this.......

  • edited 10:57AM
    Ha! OK, I'd be happy to contribute... Hopefully my illustration will be sufficient? I'll do what I can to help.
  • edited 10:57AM
    ~runs away like a little girl
  • edited 10:57AM
    this might be a dumb question...
    landscape or portrait.
    I'm not far in enough for it to matter but it will soon.
  • edited 10:57AM
    either way!

    really, just think of a4 being the maximum area, you don't need to fill it completely. the limit is just there for ease of printing. the months will all be separate - not a compiled calender. :)

    tbh, you don't even really need to make the dates and stuff particularly big / usable. be as arty as you like, innit ;)
  • edited 10:57AM
    so guys, how is this going for you so far? good? :)
  • edited 10:57AM
    *cough* host it, pal *ahem*
  • edited 10:57AM
    slackers! sluggards lay-abouts procrastinators sloths idlers loafers deadheads (heh) lazy fu... oh.. fazyluckers!

    not you, bull... :) 'cept the flazy part.

    *threat* i'm going to make a january calendar tonight and post it. you'll be sorry. neener

  • edited 10:57AM
    thumb shows the real pattern. linked to a half-size jpg demo.

    the tiff is huge; i'll work on uploading it. dotmac tells me it will take 13 hours, and dotmac don't resume.

    get busy, or i'll do this again. :P

  • edited December 2007
    mick:thumb shows the real pattern (it does now anyway ; ). linked to a half-size jpg demo.

    heh, nice, you been taking your own drugs? now we need mug-shots to fill the circle thingies with
  • edited 10:57AM
    Wow mick, that image is great! It's one heck of a warped grid you got their. I like it a lot!
  • edited 10:57AM
    gosh, thanks GearedUp

    :) well then ... good thing i spent all night last night uploading the tiff to dotmac... which kept dropping the connection (did i mention that it doesn't resume?).


    maybe you will feel a bit of nostalgia when you drop these (all at once) in stuffit expander. :D

    Jan_08 part 1
    Jan_08 part 2
    Jan_08 part 3
    Jan_08 part 4
    Jan_08 part 5

    if you wonder why it's archived AND zipped, it's because that made the whole thing 660 KB smaller. i cared.


    ps.. does anyone feel prodded or do i have to do this again? :p
  • edited December 2007
    I've been working on some stuff but doubt I'll get it finished in time, not much time to play around at the moment.

    a preview
  • edited 10:57AM
    I am going to make one for december, wether it was taken or not.
  • edited 10:57AM
    i missed your comment, McKs; i'm too good with the scroll wheel these days. :)

    so.. the grid.. how about as a display for all the houses you've designed, or.. GearedUp... beer you've sampled?

    welcome to it, if so.

    i hope you like yellow.

    base.. good colours! i've a neighbour who painted their garage door something like that. it's awesome.

    *sigh* so... "make one for december"... does that mean you won't do it until november? :D (that's why i originally wanted pics/etc. with blank grids, btw) i'm sure it will be great, jussi.

    heh, nice, you been taking your own drugs?
    i'm high on life, McKs. :p
  • edited 10:57AM
    you're doing this on purpose, aren't you ;)

    why yes, yes i am. :)

    odd that the link to the grid comes up in a new browser window and displayed by quicktime. heh ...if you actually download it, it's 3346x2362 px/ 300dpi/ bitmap (sorry..Illu hates me)/ and has an obvious and easily fixed flaw (blush).
  • edited 10:57AM
    it's a tif - that's why quicktime handles it ;)
  • edited 10:57AM
    also, i'll get some stuffs up over the christmas period. got some things to finish off / nearly finish off and release before getting on to that.
  • edited December 2007
    this is a bit late, eh? :D i'll use it again next year, no worries!
  • edited 10:57AM
    Your kerning on December is gash mate...sort it aaahhhhht!
  • edited 10:57AM
    ^ geesh! and i thought i had a problem... :p
  • edited 10:57AM
    meska said...Your kerning on December is gash mate...!
    Is that a good thing or a bad thing?...Do I want to be gash?

    (BTW- I do understand a gash is a cut, just don't understand how it applies to there an official kerning rule book that i forgot to read... wouldn't matter anyways, i don't like rules or standards or expectations of rules and standards and all of that what not...)

    "I don't know about art, but i know what i like"
  • edited 10:57AM
    oh yeah...I liked it!
  • edited 10:57AM
    it was standard helvetica, i hadn't touched the kerning - blame whoever made the version that's boxed with the mac...
  • edited 10:57AM
    Heres October.
    assuming I can get the linking right.


  • edited 10:57AM
  • edited 10:57AM
    orson.. if you think of kerning in the way of "lining up the kernels"... like on an ear of corn... then a gap would be noticable but not necessarily bad.

    :) a gash is a wound, and has negative connotations.

    chris, i like that December calendar very much, and i'll look forward to it being updated for 2008.

    wormy.. wowie! zowie, also

    well done, you two.

    i'm a little embarrassed, since you're all pros and i'm not ..but.. nah...:D i've never let that stop me yet.

    these are selling really well (really well in my small part of the world =18 , so far)

    they are customizable; people decide what colours they want, and if they want holidays marked.

    the first one was for a primary school, and it's selling well, in spite of being lurid. the other "stock" colour schemes are calm bluegrey, navajo rug, and olivini.

    jpeg for demo. pdf prints on A4 size paper.

    vivigrid calendar

    customizable pdf
  • edited 10:57AM
    hey Mick!
    Thats awesome!
    Fantastic idea, and looks great with the colors.
    looks easy to edit the colors to anyones favorites as well.
    two thumbs up for sure.
  • edited 10:57AM
    thanks, big C. :)

    it really is popular; i'm having to come up with more "stock" ideas, though. people are finding out (as i have) that it's not that easy to come up with a colour progression that works.

    here's what i have right now, and i'm working on one with rosey hues.

    stock calendar colours

    :D suggestions are welcome

  • edited 10:57AM
  • edited 10:57AM

    july + orchids = warm delight

    i like that very much, bull.

    heh.. i'm also tickled you used that template.

  • edited 10:57AM
    jussi-k said...Hehehehee.

    You are not really dancing before you dance so hard your penis hurts.
  • edited January 2008
    nice one bull
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