illusions (i LIKE illusions)

edited June 2007 in conversations
this one is from the very fine new blog ColorLovers.

"See a new color you've never seen before!!...Well... at least never before on your monitor. It's a startling example of how poor the green/cyan element is on TVs and monitors generally. The colour you are about to witness is actually true Cyan ... a colour that is heavily diluted on the majority of monitors (thanks to colour pollution)."

***If you don't follow the directions, all you'll see is a little flickery coruscant of the colour*** so ... don't tell me if you cheat, ok? =)

Directions: (paraphrased from the website)
stare at the white dot in the centre of the red circle for 2 minutes.
keep focused on the white dot.

you'll start to see a thin rim of light around the edge. don't stop yet. wait the full 2 minutes, keeping your head still.

THEN.. slowly...move your head backwards . keep your eyes focused on the dot. pause and move back slightly a few times.

glory in that clean glow.


this was the winning entry in an illusion contest, and is a nice example of the parallel lines illusion:

"The visual system tends to treat two side-by-side images as if part of the same scene. However hard we try to think of the two photographs of the Leaning Tower as separate, albeit identical images of the same object, our visual system regards them as the ‘Twin Towers of Pisa’, whose perspective can only be interpreted in terms of one tower leaning more than the other."



  • edited 1:06AM
    I really like the ColorLovers website. Somebody posted it in Baseboard and I visit it a lot.

    The leaning tower illusion is great. I was convinced that the tower to the left had been tilted to the left !

    could be the start of a good thread this.

    We actually branded an office furniture range called Illusion several years ago.


    Not my design for the final logo but Ive got some of my examples somewhere. I'll try and find them
  • edited 1:06AM
    cognitive perception is one of my favourite subjexts!

    cant remeber who carried out the following but...zulus were tested with the same kind of materials as some yanks were tested with
    and the zulus proved to have indifferent perception regarding lines and angles in such illusions as non existent. wheteher this was proved to be genetics or environment cant really remeber although I have my theory that the zuluz having lost enogh wars against the westerners thought "lets fuck these bastards up one way or another." :happy:
    But the experiment and results are true, all true honest!

  • edited 1:06AM
    shit - now i have a well - lit blue circle in front of my eyes and i can't get rid of it
  • edited 1:06AM
    overbyte:shit - now i have a well - lit blue circle in front of my eyes and i can't get rid of it
  • edited 1:06AM
    what made me do the soon as i saw the title, i knew this was a thread started by mick...lo and behold~
  • edited 1:06AM
    squapple that square squared is freaking me out!!!
  • edited 1:06AM
    very cool illusions; the leaning towers is a good one... im hungry for more though :tongue:
  • edited 1:06AM
    click on the tower picture, kfconme.

    the icon is nicely done, squappi; it'd be cool to see your examples.

    noted: overbyte complains about the afterglow. :p


    ps... orson.. nice! =)
  • edited 1:06AM
    gaze gif

    regrettably, this anigif is pretty big. give it a second to get going.

    we determined the direction of a person's gaze using a very simple cue: darkness.
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
    that's so simple and so wonderful. :)
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 1:06AM
    mick said...this one is from the very fine new blog ColorLovers.

    "See a new color you've never seen before!!...Well... at least never before on your monitor. It's a startling example of how poor the green/cyan element is on TVs and monitors generally. The colour you are about to witness is actually true Cyan ... a colour that is heavily diluted on the majority of monitors (thanks to colour pollution)."

    ***If you don't follow the directions, all you'll see is a little flickery coruscant of the colour*** so ... don't tell me if you cheat, ok? =)

    Directions: (paraphrased from the website)
    stare at the white dot in the centre of the red circle for 2 minutes.
    keep focused on the white dot.

    you'll start to see a thin rim of light around the edge. don't stop yet. wait the full 2 minutes, keeping your head still.

    THEN.. slowly...move your head backwards . keep your eyes focused on the dot. pause and move back slightly a few times.

    glory in that clean glow.


    this was the winning entry in an illusion contest, and is a nice example of the parallel lines illusion:

    "The visual system tends to treat two side-by-side images as if part of the same scene. However hard we try to think of the two photographs of the Leaning Tower as separate, albeit identical images of the same object, our visual system regards them as the ‘Twin Towers of Pisa’, whose perspective can only be interpreted in terms of one tower leaning more than the other."


  • edited 1:06AM
    pink dots
    If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one colour - pink. However if you stare at the black "+" in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black "+" in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating. It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. Proof enough that we don't always see what we think we see...
  • edited 1:06AM
    wow, that is quite amazing!
  • edited 1:06AM
    That could very well be one of the coolest illusions I have seen!
  • edited 1:06AM
    good stuff!
  • edited October 2008
    i think chris (correct me if i'm wrong) posted this one a while back, maybe on base, still my fav.

    credit where credit is due, (and required).
    lots more there as well.
  • edited 1:06AM
    ^ THAT's the one that helped me understand what astigmatism looks/feels like. ;) i get queasy, and then go back and look again. heh
  • edited 1:06AM
    A little bit of fun here...Check out the slit animation, plus some time wasting games
  • edited 1:06AM
    :) cool, sinar.

    speaking of slit animation and horses,

    i just ran across " A Parallax Illusion with CSS: The Horse in Motion"

    Resize your browser width (not height) to see the effect.
  • edited 1:06AM
    Nice one mick
    gotta love those illusions...
  • edited 1:06AM
    ~falls over
  • edited 1:06AM
    Count the number of F's in this sentence.


    How many?

    Ok, now count them again.

    [hide]Most people will at first count 3, but there are actually 6. Our brains omit the F's in 'OF' because we read so quickly, and see the word as a whole not individual letters.

    Clever huh?
  • edited October 2008
    Ha, I thought this was a trick, and you only meant the first sentence ("Count the number of F's in this sentence."). Was about to reply that there's only one.

    Then, I realized I had missed the 'f' in 'of', and read your description. Nice. :D
  • edited October 2008
    click the pic
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
    There's an escher pic like that too which is really badass...i will have to find
  • edited 1:06AM
    Red... my eyes crossed! :D excellent.
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 1:06AM
    I have always loved Escher! Thanks,o!
  • edited 1:06AM
    those recursive pics just fascinate me. :)

    the Droste Effect is making its way into music vids; i heartily approve.
  • edited 1:06AM
    Take a look at the picture, then stand up and go like 7-8 steps away from the monitor and take another look at the picture. The faces change places

  • edited 1:06AM
    that's eerie!

    :) i like it.
  • edited 1:06AM
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
    oh my


    doubleplus creepy, too! :) zowie
  • edited 1:06AM
    three colours

    there are 3 colours. the blue and the green are the same value.
  • edited 1:06AM
    i forgot to include a closeup.

    3 colours 2

    the RGB colors in both spirals are 0, 255, 150
  • edited 1:06AM
    ack, damn, cool!
  • edited 1:06AM
    there are no bent lines:

    play chess on this!
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
    ;) i keep waiting for her to shake something.
  • edited 1:06AM
    not an illusion

  • edited 1:06AM
    usual can be better than any illusion. :) that's striking.
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
  • edited 1:06AM
    Love that!
  • edited 1:06AM

    Of course we now know that really the elephants are the same size!
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